Tuesday, January 13, 2009

And the winner is

A few cursory thoughts about the Golden Globe results:

1. Is the red carpet dialogue bad because of
a.) the questions asked by interviewers
b.) the answers of the interviewees are unscripted
c.) the noise level of onlooking fans
or d.) all of the above?

2. The first Globe of the night went to Kate Winslet for her supporting role in "The Reader." I am a fan -- Winslet is classy, charming, and has a subtle, but enjoyable humor. One of the best lines in an acceptance speech: "You'll have to forgive me, I have a habit of not winning things."

3. The teaser clips for Best Picture (both in the drama and comedic categories) were not very descriptive. I was hoping to get at least some indication of what "Happy-Go-Lucky" is about, but its clip was disappointingly vague. The clip for "Burn After Reading" was also vague, but perhaps that best fits the film...

4. Surprise surprise, "Wall-E" won for Best Animated film. It deserved it, but I maintain its optimistic solution to environmental problems is a little too simplistic. However, it is a kids movie and Pixar has a brilliant way with animation for all ages.

5. Thank GOODNESS the Best Actress Globe did not go to Meryl. Winner: Sally Hawkins, "Happy-Go-Lucky"

6. The "most talked-about award" for Supporting Actor rightfully went to Heath Ledger. Accepting on his behalf was Christopher Nolan, who had a touching remembrance speech. "He will be eternally missed, but he will never be forgotten."

7. The made-for-tv movie "John Adams" was a big winner, though this still does not encourage me to see it. Made-for-tv movies are not terribly accessible, nor does a movie about John Adams seem particularly scintilating.

8. Alec Baldwin is not that good! I cannot believe he, yet again, beat out both Steve Carrel (The Office) and Tony Shaloub (Monk). Baldwin has his entertaining moments on "30 Rock," but Tony Shaloub deserved this award.

9. Dwight births a watermelon this season on "The Office" and "30 Rock" STILL wins the Globe????

10. How much was the Hollywood Foreign Press Association swayed by Tina Fey's Sarah Palin impression? Fey won Best Actress for her role on "30 Rock." Obviously the critics are huge fans of this show. I favor "The Office."

11. NOT "Mamma Mia!" won for Best Picture - Commedy (as it should be)! Winner: "Vicky Christina Barcelona"

12. "Slumdog Millionaire" was a big winner of the night: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay, and Best Original Score

13. Poor Leonardo DiCaprio -- he really does deserve an award by now. He has had major roles in blockbusters such as "Titanic," "Aviator," and now "Revolutionary Road." Hollywood needs to give him a little more recognition!

14. There was FAR too little Rainn Wilson in this award show. I cheered when they did a pan of his table and it was the highlight of the night when he presented an award, even if Blake Lively was his co-presenter.

For the full list of nominees and results:

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