Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Favortie Commercials

I realize this is something of a digression from the normal topic of this blog. However, I would like to recognize those commercials that have stood out to me as funny and/or memorable. That's right: I watch enough television that I have a list of my top ten favorite commercials.

Note: Some of the linked videos take a few minutes to load. For most of them, I suggest pausing the video and letting it buffer sufficiently beforehand. However, they are all worth the time!

A Countdown of my Top 11 Favorite Commercials:
(Why eleven instead of ten?.. These go to eleven. Thank you, Spinal Tap)

11.) Berliz - This is not a commercial I have seen on television, but a friend shared it with me and I think it is rather clever. Berliz is an international company for improving your English. The commercial is set at the headquarters for the German Coast Guard.

10.) HP Digital Photography - This commercial is creative and fun; plus it has a good song in the background, "Picture Book" by the Kinks. (Buffers slowly)

9.) Raisin Bran Crunch - Do you remember Johnson? This ad campaign is rather inspired. Linked, I have the commercial where we first meet Johnson and his frustrated boss. Other funny Johnson commercials: "Johnson, You're Fired" and "Johnson Gets an Intern" This comm

8.) Coke - This commercial is simple and beautiful. I enjoy the woman's voice and it's a cool concept that she is just walking down the sidewalk, handing out bottles of Coke. I think the song that she is singing is called "I Wish." (May load slowly)

7.) Citi Credit Card -
City had this hilarious ad campaign for cards offering identity theft protection. Two of my favorites: (1) A middle-age man who had his identity stolen by a twenty-something female; (2) Two older ladies who had their identities stolen by a couple of rednecks. And those are just a couple from the series of inspired commercials in this campaign.

6.) Starbucks -
Would it not be awesome to have a personal bad cheering you on? Glen's evidently the man. Also worth honorable mention: Hank.

5.) Chevy -
Now this one just makes me laugh every time. I favor those car commercials that have a little humor instead of the artsy "this car is so sexy" ads.

4.) Geico -
Come on, you have a favorite Geico commercial don't you? Whoever does their advertising simply knows how to come up with memorable ads time and time again. Below I have linked a few representatives of my favorite campaigns:

(1) "So easy, a caveman could do it." - This particular ad has one of the cavemen visiting a therapist. The quality of the video isn't the best, but you can get the general idea. For a montage of Cavemen clips click here. Almost all of them are worth a viewing.
(2) "... We've hired a celebrity to help tell her story." - Featuring Mrs. Buttersworth; the best part of this commercial is at the very end when the Geico logo shows on the screen.
(3) "I just saved a bunch of money..." - Parker Solution to Hairloss - your typical hair loss commercial? (Takes a while to buffer, but worth it)

3.) Cingular -
Best cell phone commercial I can remember. A mother and daughter "fight" about cell phones. This looks like it would have been a really fun ad to shoot.

2.) This is an ad -
Genius: a beer commercial of a huge chorus singing to the tune of "Carmina Barana" and running through a field in different colored robes. Props to the Australians for coming up with the best beer commercial I have ever seen.

And my favorite commercial, which never fails to make me giggle:

1.) Pet Smart
- You may know I have a penchant for dauchshunds. Perhaps that is why this is my favorite commercial, but it's also just gosh darn cute. Watch through to the end - the best part is when the weiner dog is getting checked out at the register of Petsmart.

Other notable, funny commercials:

- Wear the fox hat
- Orbit gum
- Pepsi

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