Friday, March 20, 2009

Gossip and Rumors

This morning I put some feelers out on the internet to see if there was any recent, interesting movie buzz. And though I was disappointed by what looks to be a lull in worthwhile theatrical releases in the coming months, I did come up with a few interesting tidbits worth sharing.

1. "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" (May 1, 2009)

Hugh Jackman will be soon reprising his role as Logan, aka Wolverine. Joining him in the cast are Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson (aka Deadpool) and Liev Schreiber as Victor Creed (aka Sabertooth). This looks like a very testosterone-filled movie -- only one woman is listed in the main cast on IMDB. However, the three forementioned men are all very talented and have previously starred in much-enjoyed roles.

This film does host a new director, Gavin Hood. Hopefully this bodes well for the film. The last chapter of the original trilogy also hosted a new director (Brett Ratner), but the film lacked the oomph of the first two (director Bryan Singer). I know next to nothing about any of these directors, but I did want to indicate that I hope this movie manages to ressurrect the original vein of the series.

To view the trailer, click here.

On a related note, IMDB indicates that there is a script circulating for "X-Men Origins: Magneto." Plans for production have not yet been made. However, I would definitely be interested in seeing this film. Magneto is one of the more interestingly morally ambiguous mutants in the series.

2. Batman 3 Rumors

After reviewing "The Dark Knight," I wondered if there was any buzz for a third installment. Why yes, there are plenty of rumors about a third film, but nothing I have found has yielded anything definite. However, looking at the rumors is quite entertaining. I found one post on Scandalist which lists "The Top 5 Batman 3 Rumors." My favorite rumor involves Cher -- interested enough to click the link?

There is one rumor I would love to see come to fruition: a lot of buzz has rumored Johnny Depp cast as the Riddler. This would be a particularly amazing casting choice.

3. Arrested Development

And then I got to wondering about when the Arrested Development movie will make its debut. That is correct, a film is in the works and it was originally scheduled to come out sometime later this year. IMDB even lists all of the original cast, including Jason Bateman, Jeffrey Tambor, Will Arnett, and yes, Michael Cera. Even Liza Minnelli is supposedly slated to reprise her role as the Lucile who suffers from periodic veridgo. Thanks, IMDB, now I have the sudden urge to watch a lot of Arrested Development, see Tobias "blue" himself, and giggle as Gob gallivants about on his Segway. Unfortunately, the movie has now been moved back to a release date of sometime in 2010. Wah wah...

If you would like to catch up with some of the cast, here are a few movies currently in producation and coming out soon:

"Monsters VS Aliens" (March 27) - When a meteorite from outer space hits a young girl and turns her into a giant monster, she is taken to a secret government compound where she meets a ragtag group of monsters also rounded up over the years. Cast includes: Will Arnett, Jeffrey Tambor, Reese Witherspoon, Seth Rogan, Rainn Wilson, Hugh Laurie, Kiefer Sutherland, Stephen Colbert, and others -- in short, this cast is filled with big names. (Trailer)

"Year One" (June 19) - When a couple of lazy hunter-gatherers (Jack Black and Michael Cera) are banished from their primitive village, they set off on an epic journey through the ancient world. (Trailer)

"Couples Retreat" (October 9) - A comedy centered around four couples who settle into a tropical-island resort for a vacation. While one of the couples is there to work on the marriage, the others fail to realize that participation in the resort's therapy sessions is not optional. Cast includes: Jason Bateman, Vince Vaughn, and Kristen Davis (to name just a few).

-- All plot summaries provided by IMDB --

Sunday, March 8, 2009

"Act 4: Hope is a Demon Bitch"

Movie Review: "Hamlet 2"
(Lawrentian, published Mar. 6, 2009)

Now that we are over the Oscar hump, there appears to be a lull in theatrical releases. I took this opportunity to peruse the new release section at Blockbuster. And how could I not catch my eye on the intriguing title of "Hamlet 2?"

Failed actor and drama teacher Dana Marschz, played by Steve Coogan, decides to save his school's theater department by writing, directing and starring in this epic sequel. How, you might ask, does one write a sequel about a cast of characters who almost all die in the first play? Obviously you introduce a time machine in which Hamlet can go back and save all of his relations, as well as meet Jesus in the process. Easy solution -- the play basically writes itself.

The DVD case boasts that the movie is "Dementedly Hilarious." Translation: this movie is purposefully politically incorrect and distasteful. Be prepared with low expectations, but some of the comedy works well. The film is a mocking parody of high school musicals, teen conflicts over different racial backgrounds, exploring sexualities, and that ever-present fight for support for the arts.

Though the dialogue is not terribly original or entertaining, you know it is all an elaborate setup for this huge stage production. The longer I waited through the banal dialogue, the more I thought to myself: the payoff better be good. The problem is, with such a tedious buildup, the payoff has no hope of satisfying the audience. The eventual climax cannot compensate for the film's diluted focus or predictable jokes that deserve only half a laugh.

Furthermore, the eventual payoff does not even receive enough emphasis. The stage production of "Hamlet 2" promises to be pleasantly ridiculous. Upon opening night, we see the curtain opening and hear the music cued. Then the film promptly cuts to a shot outside the theater with protestors and other mutinous onlookers. So much has built up to this play, yet we do not get to witness its long-coming introduction. Yes, reaction shots are good for enhancing the comedy of the situation. But I wanted to see the actual comedic, train-wreck production!

Whether or not it is worth the wait, the musical number "Rock Me Sexy Jesus" is a marvel that must be seen without much introduction. This scene is the reason one watches "Hamlet 2." All of the tedious buildup is for this moment, the all-too-brief climax. If you know your high school musicals, you will be able to spot marked similarities. You will also enjoy an entertaining lesson about why Jesus rocks.

True, this movie is not the "Comedy Heaven" that the case jacket advertises. And what does it supposedly mean that it is from the producers of "Little Miss Sunshine"? If anything, this sets up a comparison in which "Hamlet 2" cannot hope to compete. It lacks both the originality and the purposeful storyline that makes "Little Miss Sunshine" endearing and memorable.

However, there are periodic comedic gems scattered throughout the film. Coogan is master of the melodramatic and has appropriately hilarious facial expressions to match. Amy Poehler makes an appearance in a characteristically spunky role. And yes, "Rock Me Sexy Jesus" is one musical number worth repeated viewing.


In case you want the bang without spending your buck, here's a taste of "Rock Me Sexy Jesus." This is the best video I could find. It does skip a couple of hilarious beginning lines: "He's totally the man, the man with a plan. He traveled through time in an awesome custom van. Moralistically, he taught us to be good, how to set our souls free and do all the shit we should..."

Rock Me Sexy Jesus

Or, if you would like to sing along to the full version, click here:

Rock Me Sexy Jesus Sing-Along

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"Did you show him your bracelet, Cora?"

Movie Review: "Madea Goes to Jail"
(Lawrentian, published Feb. 27, 2009)

Perhaps I was wildly misinformed about this movie. I was prepared for a light, fun, perhaps over-the-top comedy. The previews did a very good job of making me want to see it. I figured, even if the rest of the movie is composed entirely of stupid humor, seeing Madea converse with Dr. Phil was bound to be worth it.

Good gracious, was I wrong. I spent the first hour of "Madea Goes to Jail" simply attempting to figure out whether it was a comedy or a drama. The previews bill the movie as a comedy; they allude to nothing profound. Previews suggest a plot centered on a sassy grandmotherly type and her escapades through the jail system. Tyler Perry plays Madea, a frank woman with a distinctive vernacular. These elements spell comedy.

Unfortunately, those scenes that actually involve Madea are few and far between. If one was to cut everything except her humorous scenes, the result would be a - significantly better - movie of approximately 25-30 minutes. And yes, most, if not all, of the laugh-out-loud bits are showcased in the previews.

So with what, you might ask, do they fill the rest of the time? Besides these 30 minutes of humor, you have to sit through another 80 minutes of painfully uninteresting dialogue and drama. The juxtaposition of two barely related storylines creates an uncomfortable clash that leaves the audience reeling from trying to jump back and forth between levity and attempted profundity.

The primary plot is never even mentioned in the previews: a young lawyer reunites with a friend from his past who has landed herself in trouble via prostitution. This storyline occupies most of the screenplay, even though none of its clips are shown in previews or alluded to in the title or even plot summaries.

Shockingly enough, I thought I was seeing a movie about Madea. Instead, I am stuck watching an overemotional, discordant drama that I would not pay to see had I known. Furthermore, I felt compelled to see it through because I did not want my $6.50 to go to waste. Plus, a scathing review is more credible if the reviewer has seen the film in its sub-par entirety.

Madea does deliver several hilarious, quotable lines. The problem is that Tyler Perry does not emphasize these moments enough. The film would be better with a cohesive focus. It would be far better were it to actually showcase Madea as promised by previews. In short, "Madea Goes to Jail" would benefit from deciding whether it was a comedy or a drama instead of providing a shoddy performance of each.

To gain the most enjoyment out of the film, I suggest watching only those scenes in which Madea appears. This will both canvas the entire worthwhile plot and yield all of the funny lines. Skip the rest - I promise you will not miss much. Those scenes that actually are true to the title and previews are worth several laughs. However, the bottom line is this: The 30 minutes of Madea are neither worth $6.50 nor 80 minutes of the other stuff.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Prospects of March

I am more than glad that February is behind us, even if it is the shortest month. And now we have just about one month left of sun deprivation and negative temperatures. Unfortunately, March boasts few promising movie releases. Perhaps I will be pleasantly surprised -- I'll keep you updated.

Theatrical Releases:

1. Watchmen (Mar. 6) - This is not one that I am bound to see anytime soon, but it is receiving quite a lot of buzz. Comic book adaptations tend to do well on the big screen and always promise impressive special effects. Since this genre is so popular, "Watchmen" will need to try harder for ingenuity. I am personally uninterested by the intensity and darkness previewed in trailers, though I do wonder if the filmmakers chose this tact due to the success of "Dark Knight."

Related buzz: There is another X-Men movie in the works: "X-Men Origins: Wolverine." More news to come shortly in this blog.

2. Sunshine Cleaning (Mar. 13) - The plot for this one caught my eye (imdb summary): Industrious single mother Rose Lorkowski (Amy Adams -- Enchanted, Doubt) starts an unusual business in order to send her son to a private school; alongside her unreliable sister (Emily Blunt -- The Devil Wears Prada), the two women enter the world of biohazard removal and crime scene clean-ups. Also starring Alan Arkin (Little Miss Sunshine). Since the casting also looks promising, this might be one I should see. However, it is a limited release - hopefully it comes to a theater near you.

3. The Great Buck Howard (Mar. 20) - This is another film that promises a good cast and an intriguing plot. A law school dropout (Colin Hanks), much to the chagrin of his father (Tom Hanks), becomes the new assistant to an illusionist in decline (John Malkovich). Can the fledgling partnership lead to the comeback of a lifetime? (imdb) Both Hanks men, as well as Malkovich have chosen and flourished in original roles. I'll add this one to my list of movies to review.

4. Monsters vs. Aliens (Mar. 27) - It looks and sounds like a Pixar film -- and yet it's the new Dreamworks production. It looks like a fun flick, good, clean, family viewing for Spring Break. Judging solely on the cast list, this looks like a film well-worth seeing: Reese Witherspoon, Hugh Laurie, Seth Rogan, Kiefer Sutherland, Rainn Wilson (!!), Will Arnett, and Stephen Colbert. Hopefully it doesn't try too hard to be a Pixar knock-off.

Coming to DVD:

1. Beverly Hills Chihuahua (Mar. 3) -
I knew you would want the exact date upon which you could rush out and purchase this DVD. It looks like a cute flick for the young'ens, but reviews have indicated that much of the humor is aimed solely at kids. Perhaps this reviewer will give it a screening when she needs a little fluff. The previews do promise a hilarious chihuahua dance number. Plus George Lopez has been known to be funny. Also featuring Jamie Lee Curtis, who is a particularly good actress.

2. Milk (Mar. 10) - This one was nominated for quite a few Oscars, including Best Picture. Sean Penn took home the Oscar for Best Actor and Dustin Lance Black took home the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay. And both men had terribly heartfelt acceptance speeches. The film follows the story of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay politician to be elected to office. It's probably not a light film, but it does sound like it would be worth watching.

3. Rachel Getting Married (Mar. 10) - Oscar-nominee Anne Hathaway stars as a recovering addict returning to a dysfunctional family for a wedding. I have heard mixed reviews for the film. However, Hathaway is a talented actress, even if she has had the occasional flop. The two that come to mind are "The Princess Diaries 2" (very cheesey, probably due to a bad script) and "Get Smart" (an overly-stereotypical female role). Nonetheless, she is talented and she has an air of class about her. I am intrigued enough to watch this.

4. Bolt (Mar. 24) - I'm sure there is no need for me to innumerate yet again the praises for this film. It's fun, original, and I personally enjoyed it more than "Wall-E," even if award committees do, on principle, prefer Pixar flicks.


And of course "Twilight" fans will be happy to note that it comes to DVD on March 21. If I were to see the film again, I would probably yet again laugh inappropriately through the entire thing, save for that one hot scene where they play baseball and the background music is Muse's "Supermassive Black Hole." Perhaps at a later date I will give a full critique of this over-buzzed film.